Senior Answers and Services is part of the Colorado Gerontological Society, a not-for-profit organization organized in 1980 to provide advocacy, information, and assistance to Colorado seniors, as well as education and networking for aging professionals.
We offer assistance regarding housing options; nursing home placements; questions regarding health insurance; food supplies, or the location of a geriatric physician. A counselor will consult with the individual to understand the problem, work to identify and prioritize solutions, and help to arrange services. Services may be provided by our staff, other agencies, or volunteers.
In addition to counseling and referral, seniors are assisted with filing forms for government benefits such as tax rebates, Medicaid applications, food stamps, Social Security, Medicare and supplemental insurance benefits. CGS also administers grant assistance programs for dental, eyeglasses and hearing aids for Denver metro area seniors over 60. Among other services, CGS produces several publications for the aging community.