Colorado Greyhound Adoption

Colorado Greyhound Adoption is a non-profit organization devoted to the placement and adoption of greyhounds. We are 100% volunteer-run, and available dogs are fostered in individual homes. Based in the metropolitan Denver area, our volunteer base continues to grow, as more and more greyhound enthusiasts become involved. Colorado Greyhound Adoption is the largest of the groups in terms of the number of adoptions with 383 adoptions our last fiscal year. Our group is racing neutral and receives no track funding or support.

At Colorado Greyhound Adoption, we pride ourselves on our tremendous support network to provide answers to questions and assistance during and after the adoption process. Another distinguishing factor is our dogs are adopted from foster homes, not directly from  racing kennels.  Our group has some good relationships with several racing kennels. When the kennels have dogs ready for retirement, they contact us, and we schedule a temperament/cat testing session and add the dogs to our list. When we have a foster home available, we schedule a vet appointment, transport the dog(s) to the vet appointment and when the vet procedures are complete, the foster parent picks up the dog from the vet. The advantage you receive as an adopter from the foster home method is that the foster parent gets a chance to teach the dog about things like stairs, windows, house training etc. that they have never had experience with in the past.

It is our goal never to be forced to turn away a greyhound from our adoption program based on our financial inability to meet its medical needs. Our current financial trend puts us in a situation where we will soon have to make some hard choices as our veterinary costs continue to rise. Like you, this is a position we desperately want to avoid. Your generous donation will help us help these wonderful hounds at this especially needful time.