Polaris PTO

Polaris PTO is a parent-run, volunteer organization whose mission is to provide financial and volunteer support to Polaris at Ebert Elementary School.

Polaris at Ebert is an elementary school in the Denver Public School district that supports highly gifted and high achieving students reach their maximum potential as young learners. Collaboration of students, parents and teachers assures an innovative, culturally rich learning environment where differences are supported and celebrated. Engaging integrated curricula offers rigorous challenges that nurture curiosity, skill development, knowledge and the courage needed to imagine and achieve. Personal, academic and artistic excellence is an everyday standard of our school. Learning experientially and enthusiastically, Polaris students become thoughtful, confident and responsible citizens of our world.

Your generous donation will help to cover the gap between what Denver Public School district provides and the actual cost of providing the programs that have made such a difference for all our children.