National Ataxia Foundation

The National Ataxia Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of persons affected by ataxia through support, education, and research.  NAF is a membership-supported, nonprofit organization established in 1957 to help persons with ataxia and their families. The Foundation’s primary purpose is to support promising ataxia research and to provide vital programs and services for ataxia families.

In 1978 the Foundation first began direct funding of ataxia research through the NAF Research “Seed-Money” Program. Since that time, the Foundation has established additional research programs.  NAF research programs continue to fund promising ataxia research studies throughout the world. The Foundation supports research in dominant ataxia (including SCAs), recessive ataxia (including Friedreich’s), and sporadic ataxia.

The Foundation offers a Resource List of neurologists in your area and provides Bulletin Boards, Chat Rooms, NAF Pen Pal Programs, and other venues for ataxia families to connect with one another. One additional way the Foundation offers ataxia families to connect is through the annual membership meetings. Held in a different geographical location each year, these three day conferences give a comprehensive look at ataxia through experts in the field of ataxia research, genetics, physical therapy, living with ataxia, coping, financial planning, caregiving, and alike.

Your generous donation will help us to improve the lives of those affected by ataxia.